Getting Help

Are you making this referral as a victim of crime who is between 11-25 years old, or on behalf of a victim of crime who is aged between 11-25 years old?

To be considered for our Victim of Crime service:

The crime, including hate crime, doesn’t have to be reported to the Police. The crime could be recent or may have happened a long time ago, or you could have witnessed a crime happening. This also includes being impacted by physical, mental, emotional or financial harm caused by others.

Make a Referral

If you feel you need support with your Mental Health and Wellbeing, our Experienced Team are happy to help. Click below to make a Referral.

If you are taking part in any activities with Streetwise, please click below to complete a Project Consent Form.

Therapy Consent Form

If you are taking part in any Therapy Session with Streetwise, please click below to complete a Therapy Consent Form

On the Go Booking

The ‘On The Go Team’ offer a variety of informal sex and relationship education. Click below to complete a booking.

Parents/Carers Information

When a young person is accessing mental health and wellbeing support at Streetwise this can be a challenging time for the parents/carers. On our Resources Page is a helpful guide on what to expect when your young person engages with Streetwise Services

Streetwise Characters - Streetwise North Newcastle Young Peoples Project

Unit 3 Blackfriars Court, Dispensary Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XB
Registered Charity no: 1058360
Donations can be made via our
page or text

STREETWISE5 to 70085
one-off donation of £5.

STREETWISE5 to 70085
one-off donation of £10.

STREETWISE5 to 70085
one-off donation of £20.

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