Youth Voice

At Streetwise we adhere to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) principles and encourage the engagement and participation of Children and Young People in processes and decision making which considers their views and takes them seriously when developing and delivering Streetwise Services, Policies, Systems, Procedures which affect them. Streetwise recognises Children and Young People as citizens in their own right and believes that Society should recognise their Human Rights and should empower Young People to experience and defend their rights. Streetwise believes that Children and Young People are entitled to their social and economic rights to Education, to Health Care, to an adequate standard of living for their personal development, to play and to be protected from abuse, neglect and exploitation.

All Children and Young People have an equal right of access to high quality Services that are responsive to their needs, challenge Inequalities, recognise Diversity and enable them to grow into Healthy and resilient Adults.

At Streetwise we aim to provide strong leadership and a safe space to discuss ideas and issues with Children and Young People that ensure Children’s Rights and Participation is at the heart of all our Service Design and Delivery. 

  • We aim to consult widely with Young People on Service Design and Delivery.
  • We recruit Young People to advise us on current Issues and Aspirations.
  • We invite young people to help lead and organise Events and Activities.
  • We pay particular attention to engaging Young People that are seldom heard.
  • We work with Young People to develop our Strategic Approach.
  • We make sure we listen to ‘representative’ voices of Young People.
  • We prioritise the resourcing of Young People’s Participation within Streetwise.
  • We consider Access, including Digital Technology, to support wider engagement.
  • We publish and promote an evidence base of local Research, Good Practice and Policy Development that consults and involves Young People to affects Change.


Need More Information?

Click below to contact Streetwise.

Streetwise Characters - Streetwise North Newcastle Young Peoples Project

Unit 3 Blackfriars Court, Dispensary Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XB
Registered Charity no: 1058360
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