Contraception and Sexual Health Service

Streetwise works with Children North East to deliver a wide variety of Sexual Health Services across Newcastle, championing the Physical Health and Emotional Wellbeing of Young People. We combine traditional services like access to Contraception and STI checks with free confidential advice and support on challenges such as Pregnancy Decision Making, Respect and Consent, and Period Poverty. 

Streetwise and Children North East Sexual Health Services include: ‘On the Go’ Van – which is a bookable Services bringing support to your doorstep; Outreach – which offers 121 and group support sessions in Colleges, Schools, Community Venues and Universities; Tailored Outreach Sessions- which provide tailored sessions around issues affecting groups, such as LGBTQ+ Communities and those with Additional Needs, and finally Nurse-led sessions offered on a walk-in basis by qualified Sexual Health Nurses seconded into Streetwise from the NHS Hadrian House.  Where Young People aged 13-24 are seen on a first come, first served basis.  Sometimes, depending on how many Young People call into the NHS led drop-in, waiting times can vary from 5 minutes to an hour.  

The Nurses are able to offer the Contraceptive Pill, Long-acting Reversible Contraception (LARC), Condoms, Femidoms, and repeat Contraception Prescriptions. Please note that the Nurses are able to complete Implants, but they are not able to take them out at Streetwise.  This would need to be carried out at the NHS Hadrian House.  

The Nurses and Streetwise Youth Workers offer quick and easy Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Testing for Young People aged 15-24 years (Streetwise 25-25 years). Streetwise Workers will offer full STI Screening Kits on request.  Our Service also offers free Condoms and Sexual Health Information to Young People under the age of 25 years.  Once a Young Person has had a conversation with one of our Workers and is signed up to a C-Card, they can access free condoms from over 57 different outlets across the City.  All  you will be asked for is your age and postcode. This information will remain confidential. 

Nurses are also able to provide Emergency Contraception. You can also access a ‘Plan B’ pharmacist near you for free Emergency Contraception,  (click link below). The new digital offer can be found by clicking on the Sexual Health Service 4 Newcastle website.

The Youth Workers and Nurses at Streetwise also offer Pregnancy Testing, Information, Advice and Support.

When you’re young, navigating Sexual Health and Healthy Relationships can feel complicated, so we’ve tried to make it simple with our four Services that fit into your day-to-day life: 

Bookable ‘On the Go – Sexual Health Support Van.

You can book a visit from our dedicated Sexual Health Support Team. As well as being packed with resources, the staff offer a space to speak confidentially with our Expert Team at a place you are comfortable with. Bring our Service to your doorstep (or community venue) through our booking form. Groups of  Young People and those working with Young People are also invited also book visits for groups. 

On the Go Booking Form
Children North East – Sexual Health Services
Sexual Health Service 4 Newcastle

Sexual Health Drop-in Sessions

Check out our Sexual Health Drop-in Sessions within the Youth Work and Outreach page:

Sexual Health Drop-in Sessions
Children North East – Sexual Health Services

Emergency Contraception – Find a Pharmacist Near You

Nurses are able to provide Emergency Contraception. You can also access a ‘Plan B’ Pharmacist near you for free Emergency Contraception:

Plan B Pharmacist

Need Someone to Talk to?

Download our Leaflets on Sexual Health and Relationships or Make a Referral.

The Streetwise Guide to Pornography and Sexting
Streetwise Guide to Periods
Streetwise Guide to Relationships
Streetwise Guide to Young People Project
Streetwise Characters - Streetwise North Newcastle Young Peoples Project

Unit 3 Blackfriars Court, Dispensary Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XB
Registered Charity no: 1058360
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