Community Outreach Service

Come rain or shine our dedicated Outreach Youth Workers are out and about on the streets of Newcastle. In addition to providing Information, Advice and Guidance the Workers also provide Sexual Health Advice and Guidance via our ‘On the Go’ Van, which is a Bookable Service bringing support to your doorstep.

In addition to our ‘On the Go’ Van, you will also see Workers at a number of Events around the City.  

Recent Events attended by Streetwise include Ouseburn Festival, Freshers Week, Pride 2023. 

If you see Streetwise Staff at an Event you are attending, pop over, say hello and see if you can Beat the Buzzer! 

Community Hub Sessions

Check out our Community Hub Sessions within the Youth Work and Outreach page:

Community Hubs

Need Someone to Talk to?

If you feel you need support our experienced team are happy to help. Click below to book the On the Go Team.

Streetwise Characters - Streetwise North Newcastle Young Peoples Project

Unit 3 Blackfriars Court, Dispensary Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XB
Registered Charity no: 1058360
Donations can be made via our
page or text

STREETWISE5 to 70085
one-off donation of £5.

STREETWISE10 to 70085
one-off donation of £10.

STREETWISE20 to 70085
one-off donation of £20.

Via PayPal:> Thank you
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