Exercise 1 – 7/11 Breathing

This breathing technique is simple and effective.The longer outbreath stimulates the ‘Parasympathetic Nervous System’ which is the opposite of the ‘Sympathetic Nervous System’ or Fight and Flight response we experience at high time or stress and anxiety.

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Exercise 1 – 7/11 Breathing

This breathing technique is simple and effective.

The longer outbreath stimulates the ‘Parasympathetic Nervous System’ which is the opposite of the ‘Sympathetic Nervous System’ or Fight and Flight response we experience at high time or stress and anxiety.

By stimulating the Parasympathetic Nervous System this breathing technique reduces the uncomfortable, physical effects of anxiety making us feel calmer and more relaxed.

As with all breathing techniques and don’t wait until you feel anxious to practice.

Step one: Breath in for 7 seconds – as you breath in you should feel your stomach rise and inflate, this is diaphragmatic breathing.

Step two: Breath out for 11 seconds – as you breath out your stomach should sink and deflate as the breath is slowly pushed out of your body.

Repeat as often as you like.

Related Exercises

Streetwise Characters - Streetwise North Newcastle Young Peoples Project

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